About the City Dump

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

End of the Year Report

Thank you for supporting us this year! Please continue to pray for the children who still live at the dump!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Children's Day 2015

Massa Humana and Planalto Net got together to play games and bring presents for the kids at the Trash Dump Community for Children's day.
It was a wonderful time, and Living Stones is so glad to be a prayer partner and help to this wonderful ministry.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

On the News

Today, our town of Carpina was on the state news (Here is the report, but it is in Portuguese) as a disgrace in not providing for the children still at the trash dump community. It is our hope that with this added exposure, the government will:
1. Finish building the homes to relocate the rest of the families out of the old area
2. Build an actual sanitary landfill (as it promised, by law, to complete in 2014)
3. Make sure that all the current workers are then given safe jobs at the new landfill.

Here is an update, in English, about what is happening:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day Celebration

Massa Humana continues to do an amazing job working with the trash dump community (most of them are in a new location, but some still remain--and most continue to work--at the trash dump). Though out the week they are busy making sure the families have the food and health assistance they need. Just this week two women were hospitalized (one for cancer and another for a bad case of dengue fever) and they visited and made sure they were taken care of.
After the story and coloring, we had the kids practice what they would say when they presented these "roses" to their mother:

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Other Recycling Community

Down the street from the International school is an area covered with piles of items to be recycled. Two years ago, the church that meets at the International school, the Acacias Community church, began an outreach there, and discovered 45 families working together in this recycling collective, many in deep poverty.
Since then, during holidays and other special times, they have provided programs and outreaches. Until recently, they were also serving soup once a week through the soup ministry. Through this, two of the women were led to the Lord and are now active members at the Acacias Community church! We were excited to include this group of children in our Easter Celebrations this year!
*Note: The painted rocks you see in the video were the "eggs" we hid for the Easter Egg hunt!
Carmen and Guga led a group of older kids, while some other volunteers from the church set up a little area for the smaller kids. Over five children raised their hands to invite Jesus into their life.

Easter Celebration at the Matadoro

The majority of the Trash dump community has been relocated to the Matadoro (the old butchery). We were able to have a small celebration with them on Saturday, April 11th.
*Note: The painted rocks you see in the video were the "eggs" we hid for the Easter Egg hunt!
We were excited to get in touch with Massa Humana, a great group of young people from a local church. They are working hard to partner with other people who are interested in the plight of this community as well, and doing a great job. Due to other pressing needs, they had not been able to do anything special for Easter--so it was great to be able to share with them our abundance.
Paulo, one of the Massa Humana helpers
This week, Massa Humana made sure to visit and share with the children who are still located at the Trash dump. These families are waiting on houses to be built for them at the Matadoro (the government had started to give the homes away to other people, meaning that there were not enough homes for everyone from the dump. They have promised to build more, but no work has been done yet).