About the City Dump

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Water Balloons

We loaded up two Kombis of American's just about to return to the United States, and made one last stop: the trash dump.
Loaded with arts and crafts, waterballoons and love, we arrived.
Singing and celebrating
Praying and sharing about Jesus
Making things
And blessing little ones.
One more reminder that no matter what you look like, and no matter what you have or don't have, Jesus  loves you and your hair.
And then, way too soon, it was time to go home. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Birthdays Arrive at the Trash Dump

Due to the extreme difficulty of the situation at the trash dump, we hadn't been able to celebrate the birthdays there until now. Gathering the information about the children is time consuming, and often invalid. The children would give one date, their mother another--when re-asked, it often changed. Most of them replied, "Oh, it is near (such and such) holiday." That is how those in poverty in Brazil live: from celebration to celebration.
The place where we meet also provides challenges, as it is simply a piece of shade on a pile of dirt next to a mound of trash. We ended up using the hood of the car to cut and give out cake.
Lastly, we have not been receiving the amount of funds needed for our general budget ($1000 a month), let alone any donations for birthday parties. But we start out in faith, and hope that you will come along side us to help provide birthday parties for these children: www.wribrazil.com/10forthem

In June, we have been catching up and celebrating birthdays in mass--starting in July we will then celebrate them in the proper month:).
(If you would like to provide a birthday card for one of these children, with a $1 bill inside, you can give them to my mother who will send them to Brazil. Call her at 317-784-1535. We need at least 50 more to finish out this year)

Catching up, January birthdays were Gleyson (January 1), Justino (January 3), and Cauan (Januay 17)
February birthdays were Mona Lisa (February 2), William (February 2), and Vitoria (February 8)
March birthdays were Geovania (March 1), Mistoline (March 2), Tiago (March 10), Ricardo (March 13), Juliana (March 22), Ivan Lucas (March 27), Camila (March 28), and Jose Gabriel (March 31)
April birthdays were Gustavo (April 4), Maria Edivana (April 11), Maria Eduarda (April 11), and Italo Martinz (April 27)
May birthdays were Anderson (May 2), Iris (May 5), Carlos Eduardo (May 17), Jose Henrique (May 17), Daniel Marcos (May 21), Ricardo (May 30)
 (Eduardo--we got to go to Word of Life on his birthday)
June birthdays were Thais (June 9), Ana Vitoria (June 20), Otavio (June 24), and Davi Manuel (June 26)
Thank you for your prayers and support in making this happen: celebrating 28 birthdays for children who have never had this opportunity!